

蒸散作为地气界面水热碳循环的核心变量之一,其准确测算一直是水文气象学的难点问题之一。传统水文气象学蒸散测算方法及遥感反演模型大多存在系数经验性、参数化方案复杂不确定的问题。我校地理与遥感学院潘鑫副教授、杨英宝教授研究组,联合中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所刘元波研究员团队和英国莱斯特大学国家对地观测中心Kevin Tansey教授团队针对上述问题,近日开展科学研究,在蒸散测算及遥感反演方面取得系列研究成果。


1 四种方法在全球通量站点处的蒸散测算精度泰勒图(a. NP方法,b. SFE-NP方法,c. RH-PM方法,d. TS-NP方法)


2 不同输入变量(BBR,宽波段反照率;LST,地表温度;LSE,地表发射率;NDVI,植被指数)空间尺度转换对蒸散遥感反演的误差贡献


3 2008-2017年鄱阳湖湿地年蒸散空间分布图

上述研究得到了国家自然科学基金项目(41701487, 42230112, 42071346)等的资助。系列成果发表于《Journal of Hydrology》《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》等期刊上,潘鑫副教授为系列论文的第一、通讯作者,河海大学地理与遥感学院杨英宝教授,中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所刘元波研究员,英国莱斯特大学国家对地观测中心Kevin Tansey教授为系列论文的合作作者。


1. Pan, X., Yang, Z., Yuan, J., Guluzade, R., Wang, Z., Liu, S., ... & Liu, Y. (2024). A two-source non-parametric method for estimating terrestrial evapotranspiration: Validation at eddy covariance sites. Journal of Hydrology, 645, 132278.

2. Pan, X., Yang, Z., Liu, Y., Yuan, J., Wang, Z., Liu, S., & Yang, Y. (2024). A non-parametric method combined with surface flux equilibrium for estimating terrestrial evapotranspiration: Validation at eddy covariance sites. Journal of Hydrology, 631, 130682.

3. Yang, Z., Pan, X., Liu, Y., Tansey, K., Yuan, J., Wang, Z., ... & Yang, Y. (2024). Evaluation of spatial downscaling for satellite retrieval of evapotranspiration from the nonparametric approach in an arid area. Journal of Hydrology, 628, 130538.

4. Pan, X., Wang, Z., Liu, S., Yang, Z., Guluzade, R., Liu, Y., ... & Yang, Y. (2024). The impact of clear-sky biases of land surface temperature on monthly evapotranspiration estimation. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 129, 103811.

5. Zhou, Y., Pan, X., Yang, Z., Wang, Z., Guluzade, R., Yuan, J., ... & Yang, Y. (2024). The comparison between single-point method and footprint-integrated validation method of the remote-sensing retrieval of evapotranspiration: a case study at Daman site. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-21.

6. Zhu, H., Yuan, J., Pan, X., Wang, Z., Yang, Z., Ding, X., ... & Yang, Y. (2024). Improving GLASS AVHRR-derived broadband thermal-infrared emissivity (BBE) using GLASS MODIS-derived BBE: A Global Long-Term Study. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 3508745.

7. Pan, X., Liu, S., Tansey, K., Fan, X., Yang, Z., Yuan, J., ... & Liu, Y. (2023). Spatio-temporal variation of evapotranspiration and its linkage with environmental factors in the largest freshwater lake wetland in China. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 47, 101424.