The 5th International Symposium on Shallow Flows Call for Abstract Submission
发布时间: 2020-01-21

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee of the 5th International Symposium on Shallow Flows (5th ISSF), we are very pleased to invite you to take part in the 5th ISSF to be held on December 16-18 2020 in Nanjing, China. The 5th ISSF is organized under auspices of the Fluid Mechanics Committee of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research IAHR.

The submission of short abstracts is now open, and should be sent no later than March 15, 2020. Special issues in peer-reviewed journals will be organized for outstanding academic papers with high quality.

The 5th ISSF, co-hosted by Hohai University and Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, is a follow-up of earlier shallow-flow meetings in Delft (NL, 2003), Hong Kong (CHN, 2008), Iowa City (USA, 2012) and Eindhoven (NL, 2017). ISSF is the major meeting event in the area of environmental fluid mechanics and hydraulics, attracting primarily participants from academia and from environmental research institutes.

Please feel free to contact us or visit the website if you may need further information.

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and wish you a Happy Chinese New Year.

Yours sincerely,

Local Organizing Committee